Now that we’re down to more southern latitudes, we’re enjoying warmer weather. We’re contemplating putting away the cold weather gear for a while and de-winterizing the camper. Our plan at this point is to begin moving westward but not too quickly. For now we’re doing easy travel days but only single night stays. We’re enjoying our campgrounds but not seeking out museums or parks to visit but just enjoying the scenery wherever home is for the night. Our thought is that we’re on a bit of a timetable. We have to be back to Florida by early March and back in Ohio by late March. Since we’ll be driving all the way to the Arizona-California border, we want to be able to linger a bit in the western states before we begin to trek eastward again.

Hello friends! It’s been along time since I’ve had the opportunity to get caught up on some of your traveling escapades. L O L. These are marvelous photos and provide much inspiration for our future tab travel plan. We have a tentative plan to head to big bend in early April. In the meantime, both of you and our dear friend, Amanda, traveling by boat in various large bodies of water, LOL, are how we travel vicariously. Love reading all of your beautiful descriptions. We can’t wait to be out there in our tab, and looking forward to our paths crossing in this new year. Much love – Susan & Rich
Like the idea of joining you on this adventure!
Jackie Mallory
Jackie, we are both absolutely delighted that you are joining in the adventure!