
Cloquet to Indian Lake

Cloquet to Indian Lake

The choice of this campground within the Cloquet State Forest near Brimson, Minnesota for tonight's stay was driven by the fact that it's a first come, first served and tonight is Friday of the weekend before the Fourth of July, the beginning of high camping season...

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Navigating by Map

Navigating by Map

Last evening we spread the MN and the US maps out on the table along with The Minnesota Historical Society brochure and hatched plans to head to the Mille Lacs Indian Museum and Trading Post at Onamia, Minnesota and to stay at Hobby Farm in Oak Park for the night as...

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Canal Park, Duluth

Canal Park, Duluth

Despite the fact that we were way too tired for an adventure and just wanted to hang out inside the T@B, we didn't want to waste the opportunity to get our first taste of Duluth, Minnesota. We arrived in the rain, parked near the Aerial Lift Bridge, got to see it lift...

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Peace Pipes

Peace Pipes

See Park Video It's a sacred place to many of the Native American peoples. It's the source of an easily carved deep red stone that is found in few places in the world. The finest and richest deposits are here in southwestern Minnesota. They have used it for centuries...

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Who knows what kind of delights are waiting just down the road. Today in the town of Austin, Minnesota, we discovered the Spam Museum. It's a delightfully fun trip through the history of Hormel Foods in general and Spam in particular. There's been a Hormel Museum...

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Wilder Site

Wilder Site

Once upon a time in the 1870's, James and Angeline Wilder moved to Spring Valley, Minnesota with the four of their six children who had not already preceded them from Malone, NY. Upon their arrival, they became members of the Spring Valley Methodist Church, and...

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Mystery Cave

Mystery Cave

Eighty years ago a local farmer, Joe Petty, noticed a place in his fields where there was no snow. Investigation lead him to an entrance to a limestone cave. He continued to explore and within a year was offering tours of the cave to travelers. Eventually the cave was...

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On our very first visit to Minnesota we stayed at here at Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park but only as an overnight stay since we'd promised to be somewhere. This time we're on Site #18 and we've deliberately allowed time to explore the park. Just a short distance...

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Teardrop Community 

Teardrop Community 

We T@B and T@G owners expect to attract attention in the campgrounds we visit. Actually anywhere we go, gas stations, rest stops, grocery store parking lots. Folks are curious about these cute campers and want to learn more. And we're accustomed to being the only...

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Just the Beginning

Just the Beginning

Flowing out of Lake Itasca in northern Minnesota is a little stream known as the Mississippi River!  Karen ventured out onto the stepping stones inadvisably and now has thoroughly soaked shoes. After that we both peeled off shoes and socks and waded across. The water...

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Planning a trip? Dreaming of travel? Perhaps some of our adventures could inspire yours! Over the last several years we’ve had the distinct pleasure of many cross country journeys traveling though the Lower 48 in tents and our various teardrop campers as well as an amazing Alaska adventure that did not involve a camper.

Enjoy exploring, and leave us comments! We love hearing from you. And if you’d like to follow us, Subscribe by signing up at the bottom of this page.



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Slow Journey Home

Slow Journey Home

Our journey from Portsmouth, England to our home in Ohio might have been accomplished in about sixteen hours but my avoiding air travel we were able to enjoy a fifteen day journey home via train, ship, Uber, train, as well as our own feet and finally our personal vehicle.

Portsmouth Historic Dockyard

Portsmouth Historic Dockyard

It’s been a fascinating two day visit to Portsmouth Historic Dockyard. We managed to pack in tours of the HMS Warrior, the HMS Victory as well ast Victory Live: The
Big Repair, and finally the Mary Rose. All were incredibly informative and well presented.