San Luis Obispo

San Luis Obispo

Last night we set up on Site C-10 for two nights in the El Chorro County Park after being unable to find the campground we’d initially picked out on our Allstays app. It’s a pleasant place though not quite as convenient for our major purpose for coming to...
Quintessential Tastes 

Quintessential Tastes 

It’s a day for some of the quintessential tastes of Cincinnati. This morning we shopped Kroger (a Cincinnati grocery chain) and got some Skyline Chili (a Cincinnati specialty) and some Glier’s Goetta (Okay, it’s true our Cincinnati born and bred...
Frozen Treats

Frozen Treats

Brian arrived this evening bearing gifts of Cincinnati cuisine including UDF and Graeter’s ice creams packed in dry ice. Of course we had to play with the dry ice before digging into the yummy frozen confections. It’s tradition!
Dinner Party!

Dinner Party!

Lynne and Mary spent last weekend at Tween Creeks enjoying the house and environs. This evening they were both free for an impromptu dinner party at Winton Woods. We fixed a pork roast in the Cuisinart Oven, Lynne brought vegetables from both the Jackson County NC and...