Retreat to the Beach

Retreat to the Beach

We took the day off. Went to breakfast at Beverly’s on Corey Avenue. There we met friends Pete, Deb, and Anne. And they presented us with a gift from our friend Al. It’s a hand built ceramic butterfly. It’s perfect with our home decor. Can’t...


Friday we left home and drove I-40 to I-75 to Cincinnati in the rain and the fog. Stopped to pick up a cousin in Lexington then on to Aunt Mary’s. From there we went to the funeral home to pay tribute and say good-bye to Uncle Bob. Saturday after the funeral and...
Enjoying Family

Enjoying Family

No visit to Cincinnati, with the myriad of relatives that we have on both sides, is complete without a visit with Uncle Neil and Aunt Vi. We enjoyed a lunch with them at Bob Evans then a home baked dessert and coffee back at their apartment then regaled them with...